I looked at FileZilla while it was empty and immediately began to wonder what I needed to use to login. I re-read the task and decided to try to just use “recall.curtin.edu.au” in the Host and “anonymous” in the Username and see what happened. From reading the Quick Intro to FTP, I gathered that you don’t always need a password, and I had no idea about a Port number, so I just hoped for the best (I tend to do a lot of that).
The Local Site was “my computer” the remote site was “Anonymous”.

I couldn’t see anything called “readme”, so I just started clicking on the various folders and looking through them until I found readme.txt. Right click > View/edit and I found out that according to the readme file “CAPITALISATION MATTERS”.

My question with this exercise is though – is this the only way to find the exact file? If on opening the “Anonymous” file there had been another 30 files inside, each with other files and documents in them, would I have had to click on each of the internal files and trawl my way through their internal files and documents until I found the “readme.txt” that I was looking for? Or is there another way to dig down deeper more quickly in the situation where there are multiple choices of files to be searched?
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